An urgent appeal for my mission to the Ukraine / Polish border. To help or find out details please read the full article below ☞
Dear friends,
Last year I was commissioned to do a filming job in Sanok Poland, some 5km from the Ukraine border. I arrived at a mighty factory and for the next week filmed in protective gear as molten lead poured around me, in tight conjunction with the vodka after poured after work. I was treated with the stand up hospitality by Tom the foreman – a man of impeccable manners, profound knowledge and who commanded respect from all around him.
In the last week I have been in close contact with Tom. He relayed on to me moving effort of the locals in Sanok. In short, they are moving medical goods, urgent supplies and food direct to the front line.
I asked how I can help and received a list of what’s needed and by when. With time absolutely crucial I sent out a private appeal to people who I hoped could raise funds fast (this is independent of the CHOOSE LOVE appeal which is running in parallel
The appeal has gone beyond what I could have expected and we have raised 5000
For the week I’ve been manically tracking down supplies I could never have imagined hunting for – tourniquets, blood clotting Celox gauzes, 10km range weather sealed Motorola Walkie Talkies, bullet proof helmets.
I’ve now ordered 2.5K euros of deliveries of high class urgently requested materials and will drive to Poland next week. In addition we have ordered a further 2K of medical supplies and food which I’ll pick up with Tom next week in Sanok.
I am now adding in a public appeal. Below are three essential items in short supply. If you want to help, this is what is most needed and which will help to save lives. I am including with trust, my own address – please send one or as many items as you can to me here:
Jamie Croft
Schwarzastrasse 7
Berlin 12055
Most of the above can be delivered the next day. Please check the Celox Gauzes to see if delivery in the time frame is possible.
The purchases are time critical and need to be ordered no later than Friday 11th March. If good arrive after, I will get there where they are needed by doing a second run. If so, I will update this list as I will need more community support.
Guys, these items are items that can save a life and are needed – all support is so welcome. Lets do what we can.
With so much love and thanks for all your efforts so far x Jim

From my time in Poland:

Comments [1]
Michel ///
Hi Jim
Wir haben noch Baby Kleidung, Windeln, Spielzeug. Auch würden wir gerne Medikamente, Essen spenden.
Leider sind Walkie Talkies zu teuer für uns, da wir z Zt von H4 leben.
Falls du dies gebrauchen kannst oder ggf jemanden kennst der dies braucht oder was für Meds gebraucht werden, sag mir bitte bescheid
Grüße Michel
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