To Arusha
Some shows have suddenly come in Northern Tanzania, so travel plans have been suddenly updated:
Just the quickest of notes. Some gigs have come in in Arusha, so I will be leaving Zanzibar on Saturday and heading north to the mainland. I´ll have 3 nights in Arusha, and look forward to meeting some of the people and musicians I´ve been in contact with there. The flight back for the first show in Dar Es Salaam is already on Tuesday, but i hope that I can fit a days Safari in. I´m not sure if that is too much to arrange, especially with the power cut here in Zanzibar – but all will unfold as its meant to. I read a passage in Out of Africa which reminded me of the need to acquiesce, to give in a little to the fates, and them let play a guiding hand:
“The Kikuyu are adjusted for the unforeseen and accustomed to the unexpected. Here they differ from the white men, of whom the majority strive to insure themselves against the unknown and the assaults of fate”
Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa
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