Some thoughts and screen shots from directing my first music video in Africa – for the ex-child soldier and musical genius Charles Obina….

Yesterday was a day of firsts. Charles Obina Music destiny recorded his first music video.
And I directed my first music video in Africa.
It was a joy to shoot, as my friend Gisa put it “feeling the vibrations and allowing it to shoot itself”. All the original plans we had decided not to happen.
His instrument got caught up in a traffic jam and did not make the shoot. The stories we wrote got swallowed by the spirit of spontaneity. The reggae genius from the the gig in Bukoto market happened to walk past, to start dancing and then never left the shoot.
Bodaboda maestros stopped and joined the dance.
And we were welcomed into shanty areas where old magic lives. And continued the dance.
We then got back to my digs, loaded up on coffee and beers and edited and graded the whole dam thing in one sitting and got to bed tired and exhausted and happy. In the spirit of tonight’s “Pop Up Show” we hope to have the first screening for Charles at Goethe-Institut tonight – somehow connecting Edinburgh, Berlin and Kampala.
If you are in Kampala, please let your friends know and come along to the show. It will be my last show here, and a goodbye partnered with many happy memories and new friends made.
A possible gig has also come up in Juba, South Sudan. I’m not sure if its possible to fit it in before my commitments in Nairobi next week – but where there is a will there is a way! We’ll see….
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