…only in slowing, stopping, can we see our paths anew, and be inspired, once again, to summon the courage to follow it….

I feel an immense sense of openness before life. It’s vastness and its shortness dancing like little sunbeams in front of me. To be on the one hand so deeply in its heart. And on the other finding myself looking in, an outsider.
Our journey is one of opposites, and the learning of a little wisdom along the way, is simply the understanding that their conflict does not have to terrify us, but can animate us. Our conflicts are as old as time, and soon enough return us to time itself.
Ah yes, time. Sometimes something you are stuck in, sometimes something seemingly frozen. Sometimes something you wish you could freeze; but it’s preservation is only possible in memory. I am currently in-between time. What comes next chooses not to be shaken forward or forced. And I am capable of listening. Of slowing a little. Of understanding that it is only in slowing, stopping, that we can see our paths anew, and be inspired, once again, to summon the courage to follow it. I guess you could call this a small ode to stuck-ness
The happiness of when the Gods put down glue in front of you, and cause you to wait. To be on a journey is not necessarily always about progression. Far more important are the pockets of time when you can be alive in the waiting. And learn something of being.
And it is in these times that I remember to be grateful. Because it’s only really in the pausing that you see that yes indeed you are on a journey, this thing called life, and to say thank you for every second, every sorrow , every joy, every yearning, longing, dream, action, hope, love, loss, adventure, stuck-ness, momentum, scream, dream, coffee cup, cup cake, family, fantasy, creation, exploration, conversation, curse, realisation, revelation…
…which ultimately, constitutes, and creates, our own story, our own narrative, our own path, our own journey.
Comments [2]
Yi ///
As always, a pleasure, a spark, an invitation…an inspiration. ❤️Yi
Andre Willomitzer ///
I think this is an incredible journey you’re undertaking, and I wish you all the best in your travels. Stay safe and keep making wonderful music!
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